What Does PPC Stand For (You'll Be Surprised)

By Bitesms Team
What Does PPC Stand For

What is a PPC campaign? And what does PPC stand for? You have probably heard of online marketing and pay per click marketing. However, if those terms are not too clear for you yet or if you would like to learn more about them, we can help you out. If every time you hear about PPC campaigns you wonder, “what does PPC stand for?” continue reading.

What is PPC

What Is Pay Per Click?

So, what does PPC stand for? As you might have already noticed, PPC stands for pay per click; a model of an internet marketing campaign that advertisers use in which they pay a fee every time one of their ads is clicked. Pay per click explained in other words: it is a way to buy visits to your business site.

One of the most popular forms of PPC is search engine advertising, which allows advertisers to bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when potential customers search on a keyword that is related to their product or brand. Therefore, PPC is one of the most popular ways to reach new customers. Although businesses have to pay a small fee when someone clicks on their ad, the visit is worth more than what they pay for it, in most cases. For instance, a business might pay $3 for a click, but if it results in a $400 sale, the profit is still great.

Nevertheless, developing an effective pay per click campaign is not that simple. You need to do some research and choose the right keywords. Then, you have to organize them into groups and set PPC landing pages that are optimized for conversions. If you are interested in using pay per click marketing, it is important that you learn how to do it right. Search engines reward those advertisers who create relevant and clever pay per click campaigns by charging them less for ad clicks; which means higher profits for those businesses.

PPC is what

Pay Per Click Campaign Management

One of the best predictors of account success is regular account activity. Therefore, after starting a PPC campaign, it is necessary to manage it regularly; analyzing its performance and making the right adjustments to optimize it. Some of these adjustments include:

– Review and shut off costly PPC keywords

– Add relevant PPC keywords

– Add non-converting terms as negative keywords

– Refine landing pages by modifying their content

– Split your ad groups into more relevant and smaller ad groups

Keyword Research

How does pay per click work using the right keywords? Despite keyword research for your PPC campaign can be highly time-consuming, it is crucial. As your PPC campaign is built around keywords, it is important to update your keyword list every now and then. Otherwise, you would miss thousands of relevant keywords that would drive traffic to your site.

To obtain the benefits of PPC, an effective keyword list must be: relevant, exhaustive, and expansive. This means that you have to make sure to keep a relevant keyword list that is related to the offerings you sell to increase your profits. Furthermore, for a list to be exhaustive, it needs to include those less-common keywords that are more specific, less expensive, and add up to account for the majority of search-driven traffic. And last but not least, be sure to make an expansive keyword list that is constantly growing and adapting.


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